Project Smarter AOE

Futurizam company was engaged as an external expert for tourism in the project Smarter Amazon of Europe (AOE). The goal of the project was to create an international innovative ecosystem of small and medium size companies in tourism in the area of AOE (Mura, Drava, Danube) as well as to encourage digital and ecological innovations through cooperation, digital transformation, and capacity building. Altogether, the project linked over 300 small and medium size companies in the unique international business ecosystem which represents a good base for the development of an international ecosystem of small and medium size companies in tourism in the Amazone of Europe.

As the external expert Futurizam contributed to establishing of international ecosystem of small and medium size companies in tourism in the Amazone of Europe with the focus on service providers and tourism companies in Vojvodina as a region within the Amazone of Europe. Apart from that, Futurizam did the situation analysis in Vojvodina as a region which is not part of EU, defined the most suitable activities for long term functioning of the international ecosystem of small and medium size companies in the region.